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LaFSI: Surface and Interfaces Physics Laboratory
LaFSI is the Surfaces and Interfaces Physics Laboratory at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "G.Galilei" , University of Padova. It is also associated to the network of CNISM , the nationalconsortium for the condensed matter physics. Find out who we are.
At LaFSI we deal with interfacial phenomena occuring in confined or micro patterned structures characterized by a large (even huge) surface to volume ratio.
In particular:
In particular:
- we process and manufacture devices for studying the flow at micro-scale (Microfluidics)
- e study the microscopic origins of friction (Nano Friction)
- investigate how liquids wet micro-patterned surfaces (Wetting)
- we observe liquid films growing in a porous matrix and in nano-structured surfaces (Adsorption)
Since 2008 LaFSI is an active partner of Mischa, an inter-departments Microfluidic laboratory for Scientific and teCHnological Applications aimed at: (i) setting up an unified scientific framework for fabrication, characterization and modelling of microfluidic devices (MFDs) by (ii) housing a microfluidic laboratory (ISO 7 clean room) in Padova, for experiments, theory, numerical studies and applications. The project has been funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo (Cariparo Foundation)
Sunday the 16th.
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